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This month EVO have their hands tightly gripped onto the McLaren Senna, "An uncompromising, track-focussed weapon".
The limited edition, 789bhp, £750,000 Mclaren was treated to an in-depth review across some of Scotland's finest parts of the North Coast 500. Could that be compared to heaven itself? We think so.
But that's not all. If you'd like to see three of the hottest hatches of modern day go head to head, flick through to see the Renault Sport Megane RS, Gold R and Honda Civic Type R get extensively compared.
Don't miss the M2 Competition feature, as well as the Exige Sport 410 VS Cayman GTS, as well as the prestigious EVO Tyre Test to find out which tyre has become their top choice for 2018, and the science behind it all.